Mission Statement

Our Mission in the Rap Inustry

We strive to provide rap fans with free rap music downloads and artist backstories in order to spread this beautiful culture across the world. We make it our responsibility to share the rich art of rap music with as many listeners as possible.

Vision Statement

Our Vision - The Future of Rap Music

We're working hard to become the hub of rap music for everyone. We also believe we'll make this a place where large amounts of rap artists can get found and take their career to the highest level. We plan on becoming the number one website for rap music, backstories, and artist promotions.

Wilson Recordings History

Learn About the History of Wilson Recordings

Wilson Recordings was founded by Cameron Wilson on January 17th, 2023 in Essex, Ontario.

Wilson always had a passion for rap music and wanted to be able to share that passion with the world which gave him the great idea to create Wilson Recordings. He decided he wanted to create a hip-hop media company with free music that offers up and coming rapper promotion services.

Wilson wanted the company to have a rap music blog with artist features so he could share exclusive rap music content and stories along with authentic rap music content and reviews. He worked hard on creating his company for a long time which has led us to the Wilson Recordings that we know today.


Personality of Wilson Recordings

The personality of Wilson Recordings fully revolves around our passion for sharing rap music. We're a hip-hop media company with free music and we want to spread the culture of rap all over the world because we just love it so much.

We're also very passionate about helping artists get the recognition that they deserve so don't wait to promote your rap music on Wilson Recordings. We embrace all styles of rap music because every different sound has helped shape rap's culture.

About Me

Cam Wilson

Cam Wilson

Learn about me! I'm a 20 year old who is college for marketing and I love rap music. I've been listening to rap music my whole life and I also make a little bit of my own. This business was made to share the highest quality of rap music with as many rap fans as possible, I hope you enjoy it!